Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is acne bad for your skin

it%26#039;s only bad if it gets infected, then it can leave scars|||not only is acne something that people don%26#039;t like and sometimes hurts and is not very attractive it is very bad for your skin

if it wasn%26#039;t their wouldn%26#039;t be so many treatments out there for it.

acne is an infection that gets in you pores then they can not breathe and it irritates you skin.

|||bad acne can leave a scar

it can also leave people feeling emotionally unwell, sometimes people get picked on, feel more self-aware etc etc

acne is part of life

but acne to excess isn%26#039;t good for your skin

buuuut some of the medications that are out there are good to control the acne, but bad for your organs :(|||Yes-it%26#039;s an infection that can degrade your skin and it%26#039;s potential to do it%26#039;s job. Skin is your body%26#039;s largest organ and your first line of defense against germs, bacteria and infections.

|||It goes away, usually leaving your skin fine, but sometimes with sever cases of acne you can be left with permanent acne scars. But its not really a good thing even if it goes away, just means you have clogged pores.|||No, but untreated acne can leave very ugly scars in your face that look somewhat like fleshy can be very unattractive and even untreatable at later ages in life.||| Are you serious!!! You don%26#039;t know if bacteria, and germs are bad for your skin? Why do you think people want to get rid of their acne a.s.a.p!!|||yeah it makes scars!

i%26#039;m so glad that mine has gotten better, the only thing that worked to reduce it was switching to a gentle non-acne face wash (whodathunk?), and getting older. |||yes. it will cause scars. I%26#039;m dealing with it now. omg i hate it so much. I%26#039;m glad its only on my shoulders and i can easily hide it!|||acne indicates u have bad skin go see a dermatologist or buy a few over-the counter drugs.|||heavy acne over a long period can cause scarring.|||acne is genetic. unless you have horrible hygiene :)|||Yes. It%26#039;s better to have clear skin as best as possible and if you have an acne problem see a dermatologist.|||Yeah, it%26#039;s bacteria clogging your pores.|||yes because it cloggs you pores and if it gets infeccted it leaves scars!|||its the opposite of good,peace and everything that is good......i should know|||if you dont treat it could become pizza faced....|||its natural|||It leaves scars|||no its pretty normal|||hell yes.|||uhhhh....YES!!!!|||its nice

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