Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How long does it take for birth control to leave your system? It caused me to have bad acne?

I decided to go on birth control about 5 months ago and as soon as I started taking it, it caused me to have major breakouts. Prior to taking birth control, I would get pimples here and there but after I started taking birth control, I started to break out all the time. I decided to go off of birth control after 4 months (I was on YAZ for four months and then Ortho Lo for 1 month). Neither pill worked for me....seemed to make my acne worse. I have been off of birth control for about a month and a half and my skin is still breaking out. I can%26#039;t tell if things are starting to clear up. At times it seems like it is, but then I break out again. How long does it take for birth control to get out of your system? I just want things to go back to the way they were! Any one else experience(d) the same thing?|||Remember that birth control is actually a hormone pill. By supplying your body with extra amounts of hormones already supplied in your body, it triggers you to skip the ovulation stage of menstuation. While you won%26#039;t be supplying yourself with that extra hormone (in the form of a birth control pill) anymore, the exact time that your body will take to return itself to normal hormone levels and continue a birth control-free menstruation cycle is completely unique to you. It is very feasable that you broke out so much from the birth control pill because your skin is genetically pre-disposed to breakouts due to excess amounts of that particular hormone. The question isn%26#039;t %26quot;when will it be out of my system,%26quot; it%26#039;s %26quot;now that I%26#039;m not on it any more, when will my system return to normal?%26quot; For example, many women who stop birth control in order to become pregnant can sometimes get pregnant immediately. For others, it can take up to two years. Everyone is different.

If you are concerned about making the breakout go away sooner, see your dermatologist. He or she may recommend a cream to use or be able to give you a shot in order to assist the pimpled-response your body had to the hormone in the pills to resolve more quickly.|||i was on depo for a while and that made me breakout really bad and its taken me like 7 months to get it out of my finally cleared! took forever tho...

it just depends on what bc made you break out, cuz if it was depo, a long time! a pill, probably not toooooo long|||1-3 months to leave your system|||Usually a good 4 weeks, but it depends on how long you have taken it.....instead of going off altogether, why don%26#039;t you discuss with your doctor the side effects and ask if they can give you something that can help with acne....I know there are 100 different BC pills out there, surely there has to be one that you can take that doesn%26#039;t have that side effect!

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