Monday, April 26, 2010

Horrible spots on my back caused from acne and touching (i know, i know, bad!!!). Im trying to get rid of the

scarring. Does anybody have any tips for me? Tricks, products. No proactive please, Tried does not work for me!!!|||if not very bad case of acne do theusual stuff-buy benzoyl peroxide based creme or gel Use OIL free moisturizers/makeup-also non-comedogenic should be on the label:doesn%26#039;t clog pores) when not using the drying benzoyl peroxide products after washing Do not scrub too much as that will be irritating to the skin. Forget all other home remedies as they do not work or are neutral and just waste time and money. Eat well take vitamins in recommended amounts if you dont always eat as healthy.

If you need more help than that the only smart way to go is with doctors visit and prescription meds Thats how all the other people who you may know who dont have a lot of acne do it. Antibiotics in small doses are considered safe and effective SOme need stronger cremes like retin A -(not retinoid type aging cremes etc-that you get over the counter but dispensed by prescription only in the pharmacy) These are drying to the skin but eventually it evens out and you get better. The cyst like acnes that is disfiguring requires the bigger guns-ACCUTANE. Needs a doctor%26#039;s advice/RX and lots of instructions and restrictions due to its abiltiy to cause birth defects if taken while pregnant.If you are say age 9-55 or so, you will be asked to take a pregnancy test whether or not there is any chance you are pregnant (your verbal report ofnot being sexually active or always using birth control is not accepted as being proof)or not

Good luck|||See a Dermatologist before it gets worse.

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