Friday, January 8, 2010

Would you let the guy in the world with the worse acne pop every zit he had in your mouth for a million bucks?

Its gross, but think of everything you could do with a million dollars for 20 minutes of agony. So would you do it??|||No.

And you should go buy *The Book Of Questions* by Gregory Stock, Ph.D. You can get it at your local bookstore.

It is a book filled with questions similar to the one you asked.

The gross things change, and the amount of money changes...but is designed to make you think. What gross thing would you do for money. How much money would be worth it. It is a conversation starter, really.

And it is just the not a compicated read, or a real book, so to speak.

I think you would enjoy it.|||Yes.|||ya and spit it back in his eyes

lol of course|||no|||Absolutely. Who wouldn%26#039;t?

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