Friday, January 8, 2010

Sweaty palms... bad breath... acne... what can i do about these problems??

lets start with my hands... my hands get sweaty too much! when i get nervous my arm pits dont sweat... my hands do.. say when i go to an amusement park i get so excited and wanting/ waiting to have fun my plams sweat! i try rubbing them on my jeans and it never helps! what can i do???

bad breath... i have halitosis because my sinuses are blocked. i use medicine and my throat is ichy from the allergies! its bugging me! i dont floss because my teeth bleed and i dont like that! i havent flossed for 6-7 months what kind of floss should i use??

i have bad acne and on a low budget! i dont like the info-mercials... they cost too much... what can i do??

i need you help!! please help!!|||The link below is to a good article %26#039;5 Tips to Combat Bad Breath%26#039;:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>


http://www.medical-research-study-direct鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||The sweaty palms problem is %26quot;hyperhydrosis%26quot;, learn abt it on the net!

Start flossing, your teeth won%26#039;t bleed after a week of it! Do it! That sewer smell will go away too when you%26#039;ve cleaned out the crap in yer mouth.

Acne is a tough one. Stay away from Iodine, as in %26quot;iodized salt%26quot; and other foods that contain it. Some part is genetic and other is just age. Foods have not been identified that would cause acne....french fries, all that.....busted! This is known to work for blackheads and clogged pores....get some Cetaphil face scrub ( on sale!) and combine it when your in the shower with a halp spoonful of baking;s a minor abrasive but B. soda is the correct PH for your skin....try it.

All good luck!|||For sweaty hands: Boil two tea bags and let cool. Squeeze them for a minute. Do this once a day for a few weeks.

Bad breath: Brush your teeth 3 times a day, use mouth wash, and use a softer type of dental floss, and mints in between. They freshen your breath better than gum.

Acne: Wash your face 1-2 times a day. Keep your hair off of it at night and during the day. Try not to touch your face that much either. Don%26#039;t use oil based make up. Watch what you eat too. Oh and if your face starts to dry up, use a good moisturizer.|||your gonna have to live life i guess

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