Friday, January 8, 2010

Acne and pregnancy...I am breaking out really bad and I am 5 mo pregnant. Any solutions?

I am having horrible breakouts during my pregnancy and am unsure of what makeup and face wash to use. Does anyone have any tips on how to improve my skin? I know my hormones are probably going crazy, but it just keeps getting worse! HELP!|||I went through this but because I was pregnant I went to my primary care and she referred my to a dermatologist who prescribed me some kind of gel to apply on my face and that would not harm the baby. Just to be on the safe side get some professional advice.|||I am in the same position - see what answers I got too to give you more of an idea.;鈥?/a>|||If you%26#039;re like me you don%26#039;t want to use salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Some dr.%26#039;s say they are safe and some say no.. they are both class C.

I use mandelic acid cleanser, an alpha hydroxy acid, instead of salicylic acid cleanser. And instead of benzoyl peroxide cream I use niacinamide gel. I get them both online. Print or copy the active ingredients and run them by your dr. before you buy anything. One is an acid extracted from almonds and one is vitamin B3 in a gel, so neither should be a problem. They work almost, but not quite, as well as OTC medicines I%26#039;m not willing to use while (trying to get) pregnant. In general alpha hydroxy acids are supposed to be fine. And niacinamide is category A.|||You need to talk to your doctor because many acne medications/face washes can be harmful to the baby. Try a mild soap 3 times a day like ivory. I stopped wearing make up completely. Or just bring it to work with you and re apply your make up after.|||Apply slices of tomato on your skin,the pulp of the tomato has astringent properties which can prevent acne. I came across a lot of simple and natural remedies for treating and preventing acne at|||Try Pro Active. I just started using it a week ago and my skin has already started clearing.

I never thought I would be a walking ProActive ad-- but I love it and it is really good|||Mix lemon juice, rose water and glycerin in equal quantities. Apply daily before retiring to bed. Eat a lot of green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, beans, peas, lettuce, etc. A salad and fruit should be taken daily. Check out for more useful info.

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