Friday, January 8, 2010

Is chocolate realy bad for acne?

im seriously like tired of hearin that chocolate is bad for acne! i hear people say it is and other people say it if any body has realy good reasons pleaz let me know!!! :) thanx|||Some ar some arnt i think its this special oil they se in some candy. i ate recess stick once n the nect day i had the biggest acne ever|||examine foods high in iodine. Watch out for multi-vitamins (some contain iodine). Be aware of some junk foods such as potato chips, corn chips, chocolate, etc. Keep your diet low in fat and sugar. Eating a properly balanced diet ensures that your body gets the proper nutrients and therefore promotes healthy skin.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .|||Not really but it has lots of fat. (fats + oily skin = acne). Try 2 avoid junk food in general, specially colas/sodas; instead drink lots of water. If ur acne is really bad, c a Dr n ask 2 b recommended %26quot;Acutane%26quot;.

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