Friday, January 8, 2010

I've been on minocycline ( an antibiotic for acne) for a year and my skin's still bad. Accutane the next step?

my mom is against me using accutane because of the side effects and she says that my acne isn%26#039;t bad enough. Ideas on how to pursuade her? and more importantly, is accutane safe to take?|||Minocycline is not working for you because your skin is still providing the environment needed for the P. acnes bacteria to proliferate.

I can%26#039;t say whether you SHOULD take Accutane or not because it%26#039;s up to you. Go to the dermatologist with your mom. Weigh the pros against the cons. Discuss. Voice out your opinion. It%26#039;s very important. Then maybe there will be an answer or an alternative to your predicament. Side effects of Accutane are many. It affects most, if not all. I don%26#039;t know what is your acne condition so I can%26#039;t really evaluate your case. Usually, if you have mild to moderate acne, low doses of Accutane is effective enough yet not strong enough to give you all the side effects.

Acne scars - both physically and emotionally. Many people, like your mom, just dismiss it as something trivial because it is not life-threatening. But I think it goes way down inside of one who suffers from acne - lowers self-esteem, confidence and everything else. It%26#039;s tough, I know. Are you feeling very uneasy about your acne? If yes, tell it to your mom. Voice out your feelings. Acne sucks, and NO ONE should suffer from it. No one.

You gotta know for yourself whether are you willingly to bear with all the side effects of Accutane. It is safe to take with monitoring under your dermatologist. But recently, news reports have stated that 26 teens have suffered from depression and committed suicide, and medical reports have linked it to Accutane.

We are living in a world obssessed with beauty. And I don%26#039;t think anyone deserve to suffer from this chronic disorder. A beautiful complexion isn%26#039;t overrated for someone who has suffered from acne for years. Good luck, man!|||I wouldn%26#039;t.... I would reccommend trying natural things.. Many many people on this site as well have asked about Tea Tree Oil and Acne, and out of curiousity, I decided to try putting it on, and it actually does work. It is natural, cheap, and it helps. It is safe... I would give this a shot before going to dramatics..鈥?/a>|||if you want to use accutane then go for low dose pulse treatment because it has fewer side effects. If you want to go topical use Retin-A microspheres. For me, benzoyl peroxide and topical niacinamide works well|||Have your mom come to the next appointment and talk to the doctor about Accutane. I took it and know if others (a lady in the same office - we took it at the same time!). I have to say that it is not a fun drug to take with the side effects but that was the dryness. However, I had finally great results with my skin when nothing else would work. Is she worried about the depression side of it? I found that it did not make me depressed at all - I was thrilled with the results and so was the other woman. However, if you are predisposed to depression, she could be worried as you will not look pretty while on this drug as the peeling is pretty extreme. I do not regret taking it - it was the best thing I did for myself. I was in my 30%26#039;s and working when I was taking it.|||you need Tetacycline , the reason docs dont write it is no more kicksbacks but insist on tetracyclyne or ask for some for your fish tank at a fish store and forget the doctor

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