Friday, January 8, 2010

I have real bad acne...?

Hi i have real bad acne and im 12 do you guy know anything to help this without me having to go to the store to buy something for it and tell me some products that i can buy to help my acne !! please please help|||alright, im a model %26amp; i had HORRIBLE acne ever since i transfered from houston to nashville.

here are some helpful hits EVERYONE can use to mantain health clear skin..

Drink half of your body weight in oz of water..(like if you were 100 pounds drink 50 oz of water EVERYDAY!) not only dose it make u feel better but it clears up your skin!

eat lots of greens! have a salad with every meal, my dad always takes me out to eat so everytime i order a salad before my food.

going to bed really helps more than you know. it creates less stress for you.

%26amp; 10 (try more than 10) minutes of exercise everyday will not only decress your risk at brest cancer but clears your skin.

Okay Now once your doing that, go to walgreens %26amp; for 8 bucks buy Natures Cure. you take to tastless pills every morning %26amp; every night. this stuff seriously works!!!

clean your face with either stridex or oxie clean or whatever its called (if you have sensitive skin) if not i would recomend Clearisle Daily Face Wash. 6 dollars just about everywhere.

once your face is clean (%26amp; dry) you can apply the Natures Cure %26#039;vanishing%26#039; cream at first it makes your skin a little dry, if that happens just dont use as much or dont use it the next day..

always always always wash your face. every morning %26amp; (if you have oily skin) RIGHT before you go to bed.

in about a week you should see your face is less red %26amp; pimples are dryed up %26amp; vanishing.

withen 3 weeks your face should be totally clear, i dont even have to wear powder anymore my face is so clear.

just remeber to drink water more than anything. %26amp; no cokes there just not good for you!!

anyways sorry my advice was so long i hope it works out!|||Try Arbonne, the Clear Advantage System.You can get it online for a cheaper price.drink lots of water and cut down on the still will get pimples but everyone does!|||you can try pro activ. it is a little expensive but you can order it over the internet. I don%26#039;t know if it works for everyone but I really like it. Good luck!|||drink plenty of water and cut down on greasy and junk food because they alo cause acne... umm and chocolate seems to cause breakouts for some people, so if you eat alot of chocolate cut it off from your eating diet and experiement do they go away or not etc...

try proactive or murad|||PROACTIVE! itz the best proven by leading dermatalogist. lolz i sound like the commercial or u can go to ur dermatoligist and c wat he suggest best for ur skin|||OK since you have bad acne this might sting but it will work. I had bad achne when I was like 13 im 21 now but anyways I take a wash cloth or a t-shirt (something of 100%cotton )and pour rubbing alcohol on it and just clean my face off with that every night before I go to bed and whenever my face feels oily.Use spots on the tshirt so you dont have to keep washing them. once the tshirt has no more avaliable spots then get a new one (dont use a brand new tee get a old one you either dont wear or dont fit you or thats just worn out ) Believe it or not it takes time getting used to but I tworks I have not had a pimple or a break out or anything since then honest to god NOTHING!!!!!! It wont wrok over night but it will work about a week later youll start noticing results.|||Ask your parents to send you to a dermatologist. There aren%26#039;t many products out there that can help bad cases of acne. Maybe try Proactiv (you order it online %26amp; it%26#039;s shipped to your house, it%26#039;s rather expensive though). I would highly recommend seeing a dermatologist. A professional (dermatologist) can help you more than anonymous people online%26lt; just my opinion.|||Maybe you should try Proactiv. My sister had really bad acne until she used Proactiv, it worked really well on her.|||For acne on your face, try a facial steam. Get an acne specific cleaner/wash/soap and something with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Try for more tips. If it%26#039;s really bad and none of the store stuff works, you might look into seeing a dermatologist for more help.|||i use nutregina or however u spell it lol it works fine for me...|||drink lots of water cut back on the soda and sugars! use clean and clear blackhead and use a lotion that won%26#039;t be to greasy you don%26#039;t wanna clog up your pores and when washing your face don%26#039;t scrub. just message your face lightly. you should also change your bed covers because of the oils that are let out when your sleeping (face, hair and body). just wash your face twice a day don%26#039;t go overboard cause you don%26#039;t wanna irritate your face.

--good luck and if continues i would see a dermatologist.|||U SHOULD USE PROACTIVE..I HEAR THAT IS REALLY GOOD ESPECIALLY IF U HAVE REAL BAD ACNE|||IT鈥橲 ALL HERE:鈥?/a>

Here is what it contains:






3.1 Timeline of acne treatment


3.2.1 Exfoliating the skin

3.2.2 Topical Bactericidals

3.2.3 Topical antibiotics

3.2.4 Oral antibiotics

3.2.5 Hormonal treatments

3.2.6 External retinoids

3.2.7 Oral retinoids

3.2.8 Phototherapy Blue and red light Photodynamic therapy

3.3 Less widely used treatments


3.5 Preferred treatments by types of acne vulgaris


5 See also

6 References

7 Footnotes

8 External links|||I use to have a little acne at age 12. Here are some tips that led me to perfect skin!

1. Drink 1 liter of water a day at least!

2. Minimize the amount of junk food you eat!

3. Cleanse your skin twice a day!

4. In the morning wash your face with Clean%26amp;Clear acne free wash.

5. In the night do the same.

6. 5 times a week put Organic Scrub on your face.

7.Once a week put on an avocado mask!

IT IS A LOT OF WORK BUT TOTALLY WORTH IT! I DO THIS REGIME EVER SINCE I WAS 12 AND I HAVE PERFECT, CLEAR AND GLOWING SKIN! MY DERMATOLOGIST SAID I DON%26#039;T NEED TO DO it anymore BECAUSE I WILL STILL HAVE GREAT SKIN, BUT I DO NOT MIND!|||Talk to your parents about getting you proactive. I have been using it for years and it cleared my face up well. If you have any kind of scar from acne then it will clear it up also.|||the best thing you can do is wash both your hands and your face often . do this at school during the day as well that is wash your face.

next when at home use a very hot towel or face cloth and put that over your face and do this repeatedly until you are sure the pores are open . wash your face with anti bacterial soap often comes as dish soap but says that it is anti bac. on it.

then after you have washed following this hot water bit just put the hot towel on your face get really hot and then cold cold water and do that repeatedly.

the drug stores have lots of different products to treat this problem you should just start with the cheap ones and work through them until you find one that works well for you .

the pharmacist will also be a big help just ask them.

oh one more thing you can leave some straight anti bacterial soap right on a blemish over night just stop doing that if the skin becomes to dry

the person above me said you can use rubbing alcohol and that is right too . both the anti bacterial soap and the rubbing alcohol will kill the germs it comes it direct contact with . the soap also breaks down the oil makes it thinner and it leaves the body more easily .|||proactiv|||Hi, i used to use PROACTIV but it dosen%26#039;t work that well, try Dermalogica, it%26#039;s the best thing ever and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. Registered Nurse.|||As everyone already said, i think you should get Proavtiv. I used to have real bad acne on my face too. I mean my whole face...It was all red and bumpy and everything. They looked rough and horrible. I started getting acne when I was 12 or 13 and I am now 19. I know that Proactiv is not cheap and since you are still young, you might not be able to go to get it by yourself but in my town, they sell it at the mall and that%26#039;s where I got it from. I started using it because I saw it on the TV and also heard about it from my best friend who had it. She told me that it worked very well and now I see that she has no acne on her face. So I decided to go to the mall to get it and used it. It worked so well...but it wont work right away though. You have to keep using it...just give it some time will work and your face will be all cleared. It worked so well on my I don%26#039;t have acne much anymore. But actually I have some other solutions for you too. Well I would say that Proactiv is the best but if you don%26#039;t want to get it or want to try other solution, I%26#039;ve also tried Clearasil Ultra series. Here is the site for you.

I am pretty sure you%26#039;ve heard about this or at least have seen it at some stores. They worked pretty well too. I only used the Ultra Daily Face Wash and Ultra Vanishing Acne Treatment Cream. So I don%26#039;t think you will need to get all the Ultra stuff but some...and I think they will work at least a bit...well I hope though...I hope they would work for you too because they did for me. I%26#039;ve also tried to go to see a dermatologist (a skin doctor) and he gave me some medicines so I took them and they worked pretty well too. But I%26#039;ve done all of those things after I talked to my parents though. All of those solutions were my parents%26#039; ideas actually. So I suggest you to talk to your parents about this first and see if they will get you Proactiv or if they have some other great ideas or something for you. I hope you can find a best solution to solve your problem!|||Well i had really bad actne when I was your age and I used pro active and it helped alot!! I also used Clearasil and It aslo helped alot!!|||try drinking more water, eat well balanced diet (Salmon is excellent for your skin) also make sure you keep your skin clean....and try proactive...or Clearasil products...and you should see results if not then I would have my parents take me to the doctor (dermatologist preferably)|||it%26#039;s really important to drink a lot of water. it clears your skin. %26amp; get some stridex maximum strength pads (the sensitive skin, essential care, %26amp; %26quot;to go%26quot; do not work). i don%26#039;t have acne *knocks on wood* but when i do have the occational break out, i swipe the pimple with one of these pads before going to sleep %26amp; wake up to clear skin.|||drink lots of water !!! :)

cut low on the junk food and chocolate|||Proactiv. It%26#039;s not cheap...but it works for sure. It took me like 6 weeks until it started working...but I have no pimples ever since. I tried all kinds of different products...but this is the only product that works for me.|||so do i but i used clean and clear and mine is kind of clearing up just use it ones a day|||cut low on the junk food and chocolate

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