Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm 13, and have sorta bad acne! HELP!?

ok, i have mostly bad acne on my temples, blackheads on my nose, blackheads on my chin, and a little more acne on my forehead and one or two pimples on my cheeks. I wash my face every night with either bar soap or soft facial Clinique. Then after every night I use clearasil ultra vanishing cream. I don%26#039;t eat chocolate, nothing high in sugar. Could you give me a remedy to improve a face%26#039;s clearness? Thanx!|||First of all, don%26#039;t use bar soap. It%26#039;s too harsh for your facial skin. I use AcneFree (best stuff I%26#039;ve found so far). You might also try ProActive. Wash your face morning and night. Also, keep your hands off your face. The oils from your hands transfer to your face, which can cause pores to clog (leading to pimples).

Do drink extra water (keeps your skin healthy and hydrated). Despite the rumors, there are no foods that are proven to cause breakouts. However, after you eat something greasy (pizza for instance) wash your hands and DON%26#039;T touch your face.

Good luck!|||Well, you are a teenager, so this is fairly normal.

I recommend that you stop using bar soap. It can be very drying on the skin, which causes over-production of oil, which leads to acne. Try to avoid touching your face without washing your hands and wear your hair back because your hair could be depositing oils on your face, clogging your pores.

Otherwise, keep washing daily with an acne fighting cleanser such as Clearasil or Neutragena.|||I have had acne for a long time and tried a lot of over the counter stuff. The most important factor with acne not your skin care regimen or diet; it is hormones. That%26#039;s why it tends to flare up in teenagers. It doesn%26#039;t necessarily get better as you get older though, so I don%26#039;t recommend just waiting it out. Go to a dermatologist. I know it%26#039;s expensive but you will ultimately save yourself time and money and feel better about your appearance this way. Antibiotics like tetracycline really do wonders, and Accutane also helps most everyone.|||That tends to happen a lot to teenagers.

Drink lots of water: Believe it or not, that will help your skin. And try putting rubbing alcohol on the trouble spots.

Good luck!|||DDF BP Gel 5% with Tea Tree Oil|||your diet and face washing won%26#039;t make a difference. use salycylic acid and have your parents make an appointment with a dermatologist.|||Make sure to use as gentle a cleanser you can find, glycerin soap can be a good gentle way to clean the skin. Also make sure to use natural moisturizers that contain as few chemicals as possible. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne

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