Thursday, December 17, 2009

Very bad acne, what have you tried that works?

I have had acne on and off for the last 4 years. For about 3 years, i have been taking prescriptions, an antibiotic, face wash, and a cream. They had been working fine but after this summer ended, it got really bad. The zits are drying out, but i have big red spots on my cheeks and my skin is dry. I%26#039;ve tried proactive but it dries my skin out and doesn%26#039;t seem to work very good for me. Any other idea%26#039;s?

I%26#039;m 19 and i hate that my skin looks so bad. I%26#039;ve even broke down crying because it%26#039;s depressing me so much. My doctor said i just need to keep up with the prescriptions. I%26#039;m going to go back in a few months if it doesn%26#039;t get any better. |||try peroxide or rubbing alchohal|||I had the same problem about a year ago and then the doctor prescribed me retinol a, a body and face wash, and doxyclycline. It took a little while but it actually worked really good after I used it all together religously. Also I know this may sound dumb but I noticed the more water I drink the better my skin looks......litterally, much more clear.|||Acne is a bundle of skin rashes formed over skin due to the action of hormones on the sebaceous glands. You can get rid of these acne from any of the natural acne remedies listed on the below site. Check it out for yourself as it worked for all that i personally know. The site address is

|||hello ,I am giving u suggestion u may try Proactive Solution -Acne Treament .i will give u a website u may try see out and try to buy it

It worked for me and it can work for u too !!!|||a dermatologist will find the cause and find the right med to treat it. make a follow up appointment or get a 2nd opinion.|||

One word:

PROACTIVE|||There is also the Murad system. I%26#039;m using the acne-spot remover right now and it seems to dry my pimples out. I have to switch up alot because even if something works for a while it will stop after a few months. There is a book called the Perricone Prescription. I don%26#039;t remember if it%26#039;s that book or one specifically on acne but it%26#039;s by the same guy. He talks about foods and supplements you can take. But if your seeing a dermatologist you might just have to keep trying what he%26#039;s telling you. It takes a while to clear up. And if they are drying up that sounds good. Just use an oil-free moisturizer if your skin is dry and the spots will clear up in time. Or your dr can prescribe you cream for that too to lighten the spots. |||Go to your dermatologist... you may have a skin disease.

I found out that i did. If you don%26#039;t go now you may get scars. But I wouldn%26#039;t recommend taking any pills because it limits you from doing many things and could cause some serious health risks.

1.To avoid getting scars and to get rid of acne quickly ; go to your local GNC (or any other place that sells herbs, vitamins and minerals) %26amp; buy something with %26quot;colloidal silver%26quot; and there will probably be pills that have %26quot;omega %26amp; fish oil%26quot; These are natural and work miracles with your skin AND hair.

2. While in the shower or tub get a warm wash cloth and press it gently against your acne- then do your normal skin routine.

3.If you want to know a really good brand that i SERIOUSLY recommend try dermatologica.

I used to have bad skin issues and did all of the above and have perfect skin, plus my mom is a dermatologist.

hope this helps =)

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